Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Animal Illustrations

I have shamefully lost my flashdrive, which contains my work from the PC. Too bad, unless I uncover it those works will have to wait til I get back to school in the fall.

But I do have some recent artwork I made for my recent internship. The drawings are traced. I'm simply not that awesome at freehand, sorry. But the water color is completely gestural. this is probably the coolest piece of fine art I've done so enjoy it!

Saturday, June 5, 2010

PC: bring protection and stickers

first of all, i know, i spelled battlefield wrong. besides that here are my two most recent and last works here at the PC. A sticker for the underground coffeehouse concert series. and also the safe sex slogan winner for SAC. I'll update my other PC stuff later, a series of posters once i find my flash drive buried in my pile of recently transported belongings.

Friday, May 21, 2010

To any silent, unbeknownst viewers

I am sorry for the two month silence, for i do not have a design class this quarter but more of a job right now. if i knew somebody from bellingham was viewing this, i might of put them up just for the sake of advertising, but i don't think that is the case.

i have drawing class, but my professor has held my first and only good drawing hostage til the end of class. i took a picture of the it but the camera is also imprisoning the photo in it's internal memory. and sadly, neither me or three other roommates have a common usb cord...we're n00bs.

So with that said, just before the end of the quarter i will post up my featured posters i've made at my new job at the publicity center here on campus. it will be a nice treat i think. until then, bon voyage, and here is an update on my vinyls. im too tired to put album art up right now.

[[portugal. the man \\ "american ghetto" \\ 12"]]
---> really dig "when the war ends" and "the dead dog" for you harder-cored fans. not sure how much i like it as a whole. it certainly ain't their best but i wouldn't say it's their worst either.

[[Jonsi (sigur ros) \\ "Go" \\ 12"]]
---> "Go Do" is the single, and its good. especially enjoy the flute sounds in the beginning and that simple forward driving drum beat. unfortunately i haven't listened to it enough to give suggestions

[[delorean \\ "subiza" \\ 12"]]
---> "stay close" is the single, but its one of those albums with a very consistent sound, its quite nice actually. i like their earlier ep better just for its poppy-dance floor sound, but these guys are definitely one my favorite new bands. they've got a pretty distinctive style.

[[fleet foxes \\ "fleet foxes + sun giant ep" \\ 12"]]
---> compulsive buy, it's to feed my soul. i already have both hard copies on CD but i knew i would end up buying this sooner or later. "blue ridge mountains" is by far the most influential song in my recent musical memory and for time to come, see as the la blogotheque video features instruments i would not have bought otherwise: mandolin, melodica, glockenspiel. i even bought the tom drum / tambourine combo.


[[two door cinema club \\ "undercover martyn" \\ 7"]]
---> it's one of those super catchy repetitive songs and totally danceable. includes a passion pit remix for the b-sides, which is alright. if you like this song, check out "what you know" from their debut. it's a very solid album

[[newvillager \\ "rich doors" \\ 7"]]
---> love this song, found them by the Nocturnal/Synchronicity Suite. "genghis on" is the b-side, which is decent but "rich doors" shows the exciting colors of potential this duo exemplifies

[[ariel pink's haunted house graffiti \\ "round and round" \\ 7"]]
---> such an interesting song, he's a pretty strange guy. but what an unexpectedly amazingly big chorus. so damn catchy, except i dont understand what he's calling/coming back to. pool? bowl? ball? who cares, it sounds great.

[[kisses \\ "bermuda" \\ 7"]]
---> i play this song every night, its just summery liquid goodness. it's pretty catchy too, "man it hurts me to do it." stuck in my head the past week. can't wait for their LP.

i almost bought the band of horses new album but im glad i didn't, seeing it wasn't as good as i had hoped it to be. arcade fire keeps teasing us and i know for sure i will be buying Expo 86 by wolf parade. i downloaded both free songs on subpop and i am sold, its going to be a damn good album.

Saturday, March 20, 2010

enjoy the arts

Final project for my dsgn 251 class. we had to pick an article, or part of an article like i chose, from the UN charter of universal rights. my concept was simply to literally enjoy the arts, which are geometric shapes, as i hang, climb, play and well "enjoying" the shapes. the very last one is my final print, which i am quite satisfied with. its just interesting to see how my previous roughs inspired the later montage and then how i seem to alter each composition. it's just fun to see my process. as usual, and more appropriate than ever, enjoy!

danger postcards

we were given a random word, mine was danger, and was asked to make two postcards with the same figures we created but emphasizing our word and an its opposite, i chose safety. it was a bit of a challenge, since my i had somewhat of a difficult subject but i think i did the best i could. the top two are the ones i chose to print. enjoy!

Saturday, February 27, 2010

Wasteland! the single

my first ever recording. my friends said hey, write us a song about a nuke while we're gone, so i did. you can download it below. you even get an instrumental track where you can listen to my terribly flawed hand claps. it's all a learning experience, but it was a real fun and exciting one. the ukulele and cajon were both one take though, those were pretty good recordings. god damn do i need to work on my vocals though. i constantly re-recorded my vocals and im still not quite satisfied. but its still makes me and other people happy, so, what the heck. enjoy!


ill work on getting an mp3 up, when and if the song gains more popularity.

Sunday, January 31, 2010


So, my first vinyl purchase is Yeasayer's Odd Blood, which was a couple weeks ago. I pre-ordered Hot Chip's One Life Stand, which I have been quite anxious for because it also comes with a sweet silkscreen poster! Insound is awesome, they did the same thing when i preordered Passion Pit. Right now I am still waiting on my Beach House LP+DVD (Teen Dream), which better be in the mail tomorrow. i have also just recently purchased Beirut's March Of The Zapotec / Realpeople Holland at Avalon and I just ordered Washed Out's Life is Leisure is also on the way.

Here's what they look like and what songs I currently recommend. I will update the list once I receive them either physically or digitally. I think I purchased more than I had bargained to, so I will save my money and update a second time probably next month or so.

1. Yeasayer ODD BLOOD (2010)

Ambling Alp
***still interested?
Madder Red
I Remember

2. Hot Chip ONE LIFE STAND (2010)

Thieves In The Night
One Life Stand
***still interested?
Hand Me Down Your Love
Take It In

3. Beach House TEEN DREAM (2010)

10 Miles Stereo
***still interested?
You know, if you like those you'll probably like the majority of the album like i do. it's really good.

4. Beirut/RealPeople MARCH OF ZAPOTEC (2009)

No Dice
The Concubine
***still interested?
My Wife, Lost In The Wild
My Night With The Prostitute From Marseille
The Akara

5. Washed Out LIFE IS LEISURE EP (2009)

New Theory
Feel It All Around
***still interested?
like beach house, this guy has a nice consistent sound so if you like my faves the others are a lot alike, in a good way of course. its hard to describe, like a lo-fi, summery, chilled-out Neon Indian-esk stuff.

Helvetica Red/Black

those are my strongest three of eight rough drafts. the red represents the swiss nature of the font. helvetica is amazing.

Monday, January 4, 2010

tote it around

Wonderful reactions from the Daily family. Great improvement from the old business card and other designs we initial started with. Terrific tote bags by the way check them our here --> tote it around

battle of the bands (final)

Final version now of the battle of the bands poster. hopefully lots of people come.